It's important to establish your brand and business presence on Twitter. First impressions count, and your profile is your chance to make a lasting, positive one. Each element of your profile should accurately reflect your brand’s purpose and values, and persuade a potential customer to follow you.
We'll break down the four key parts of a Twitter profile, along with tips and suggestions for each field.
1. Our profile and header photos
We need to choose a profile photo that visually represents our brand and fits well in a small, circular space — typically our logo. This doesn’t just appear on your profile —
it's the icon associated with every Tweet we post. Recommended dimensions are 400x400 pixels.
Our header photo should be an ever-changing billboard showcasing what’s new. This can be an upcoming launch or campaign, or a new photoshoot that nails our current vibe.
We should update it each quarter to keep things fresh and interesting. Recommended dimensions are 1500x500 pixels.
We need to make sure both photos are clear, high-quality, and create visual consistency. Upload photos in JPG, GIF, or PNG formats.
2. Our display name and account @name
Our account @name is what comes after the “@”. It’s unique to us, appears in our profile URL, and is tied to everything we do on Twitter.
It can contain up to 15 characters and should be directly associated with the name of our business.
Our display name appears right above our @name and can be changed at any time. A best practice is to have this be the name of our brand or business.
It can contain up to 50 characters.
3. Our bio
We can channel our go-to elevator pitch here. In these 160 characters, We’ll be introducing ourself to the world. Here we can tell people
what we do, what value we bring, and why they should follow us.
We add a direct link to our website.
Include a link to what you want people to see now. It might not be your homepage — consider your “About” page or the landing page of your latest campaign. Use a unique link to track visitors to your site from Twitter.
We can add our location, even if our presence is purely online.
We can add our HQ and/or founding city, or places we ship to. This helps us reach and connect with local followers.
If we have a brick-and-mortar store, we need to be sure to include our current business hours.
4. Pinned Tweets
This is what we want our followers to focus on — our biggest, latest news. It’s ok if we have the same focus for several months in a row
, but we should check in each month and ask ourself if we have a more pressing message to highlight. This can be:
Our ongoing sale or promotion. Start promoting and teasing it a few days in advance to stir up buzz.
Our latest product launch. Reinforce the excitement and keep the momentum going.
A cause or charity we're supporting. We can showcase our company's latest humanitarian efforts and show how we give back to the community.
To pin a Tweet, we simply click the down arrow at the top-right corner of the Tweet and select “Pin to your profile”.
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