Every business, regardless of its industry or the type of product or service it offers, needs an effective digital marketing strategy tailored to the specific needs of their target markets. A digital marketing strategy is the route map that will help the company to go from where it is right now to where it wants to be in the market.
With an effective digital marketing strategy, your business will grow bigger, more engaged, and with a more powerful audience. Will make more sales and generate more revenue and will create deeper, more meaningful relationships with its target audience.
The focus of your strategy should be to create a relevant message and deliver this message to the right person at the right time and place in the most effective way.
I create digital marketing strategies under the ROI method. The ROI Method is a new approach to marketing. It’s based on making yourself the clear, obvious, most prominent choice
to the people in the market(s) you serve, and it's about getting your message out to people in a powerful, consistent way. This is the opposite of the manipulative, scarcity-driven
marketing you see a lot of people utilizing these days.
This ROI Method is an approach that ensures you educate, inform, serve, and give value to your audience with every step of your marketing & sales process. It’s about truly caring about your audience, allowing you to create a powerful connection to your audience (some of whom are your future clients).
The R.O.I. Method stands for Relevancy, Omnipresence, and Intimacy.
Relevance = Power
Omnipresence = Consistency
Intimacy = Connection
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