The Methodology

Get New Customers, Increase Revenue and Grow Your Business
With an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy & System

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An effective digital marketing strategy has three main elements: A relevant message, omnipresence and intimacy, and we build our digital marketing strategies taking into account these three elements.

1. A Relevant Message

A relevant message is the first element of our digital marketing strategies. Having the right message to the right person at the right time and place is they key to make a sale and a relevant message will ensure you have the right message to achieve this goal.

A relevant message has three main elements:

The offer
The message
The Positioning

The Offer is whatever you’re selling.

Your messages are the words you use to describe your offer, what it does for your prospect, and how they will benefit if they take you up on the offer. You align your messaging with your lead’s mindset.

Positioning is how you differentiate yourself from the competition. Essentially, it’s showing what makes you special and presenting your unfair advantage.

2. Omnipresence

The second main element of our digital marketing strategies is the Omnipresence part. Omnipresence is to be able to be present everywhere where your target audience is. The Omnipresence part of the strategy It’s the key to dominating the news feed and screen of your audience and making your prospects feel like you’re everywhere.

The omnipresence element of the strategy has three main components:

The Timing
The Frequency
The Platform

The Timing:
The timing part is to be able to show up at the right time. Omnipresence has always been the Holy Grail of marketing: to be in the right place at the right time. With Omnipresence, that’s what you’re doing. You’re getting your company name in front of your target audience continuously so your company becomes the only choice for them.

The frequency.
The frequency is another important part of the strategy, because It’s not just the timing, but the frequency. We don’t try and show up magically when they’re ready to make a decision. We show up consistently, in a way that offers value and builds a relationship.

The right platform.
Another no less important component of the Omnipresence element is the platform. For many people, omnipresence starts with retargeting and advertising on Facebook. But that’s just one channel. YouTube, email, ad networks, Instagram...all are channels where you can show up for your audience.

On a strategic level, Omnipresence is about focusing most of your ad budget on someone after they become a lead. This way, you capture more attention, and have a higher chance of being relevant to your ideal potential clients.

The key in the omnipresence part of the strategy is to take a small number of leads and increase your relevancy by being in front of them with the right frequency, the right timing and on the right platforms.

When this happens, your company becomes “top of mind” with your leads, and a consistent feature of their life. This concentrated effort and attention makes it nearly impossible for your potential customers not to see your company… every… single… day.

3. Intimacy

The third and last element of our digital marketing strategy is INTIMACY. Intimacy is all about creating real relationships with your target audience. When you focus on Intimacy with your audience, you develop insanely strong relationships.

The Intimacy element of the strategy has three main components

The Connection
The Conversation
The Community

The connection.
When you create a connection with your target audience, you need to be honest and open with them.

The conversation.
When you create Conversations, it means you actually make an effort to talk to members of your audience. So many people online will run ads and don’t even do the most basic reply to comments! Be involved in the Conversation. Respond to your emails. Reply to comments. Foster discussion in your Facebook groups. Care about your peoples enough to have deep conversations with them.

The Community.
When you create a Community, you build a safe space for your audience. This isn’t just about having a Facebook group. But it’s about creating a place for your audience members to network, support each other, and interact with you and your content. Humans have always needed community. Build a community that you support and who supports you in return.

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