Social media are internet services that let you interact with others and share and create content through online communities.
Social media present great marketing opportunities for businesses of all sizesDifferent types of social media are good for different marketing activities. The key social media services are:
A social networking site that allows you to have conversations with customers, post photos and videos, promote special offers, and more
Instagram can help us grow our brand awareness and introduce new products. 70% of Instagram users have spent time searching for a brand on
the platform. Instagram allows us to promote our brands and products in a friendly, authentic way without hard selling to our customers.
Twitter is a 'micro-blogging' service that allows you to send and receive short messages from customers and potential customers.
Twitter can be considered a a relationship-building and relationship maintenance tool; the most obvious business use of Twitter
is to meet potential customers and leads the same way you would at networking event or tradeshow.
An online video-hosting service that lets people share their videos. YouTube has always been a source of entertaining content, but it’s also
as an essential marketing tool for companies. In fact, nearly half of companies (48%) plan to add YouTube to their marketing strategy
over the next 12 months ... according to the State of Inbound report.
Internet sites that contain a series of entries or 'posts' about topics of interest to the author, much like an online 'diary'
Coupon sites
Websites that offer discount coupons for goods, services and events
Online photo-sharing services
Websites that allow users to store, organise and share their photo collections
Location-based marketing sites
Websites that deliver targeted marketing messages to customers in particular locations, through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets
Customer review sites
Websites that feature customer reviews of goods and services.
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