Content Publishing

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The content publishing part of our strategy, is about posting our content in strategic places. No don’t just post it all over the place. We need to be strategic about it and come places are better and come places are better for content than others.

Every piece of content needs to be posted somewhere - sometimes we can post to multiple places. For example if we have a video that we produced, we could upload this video to our YouTube Account and our YouTube Channel, then we could make a blog post related to that video as long or as short as we want and we can embed the video inside the blog post. We can also upload the video to Facebook, so there are three different places we just use our video and off course this is beyond by the way promoting the content.

In the content publishing part of the strategy and system, we want to post it across all our social media channels so for example we put a link to any of the content we post, for example on Twitter we share something and we post about on Facebook, or we can email our list about it.

Publishing the content is about posting the piece of content itself not promoting the content, so we are going to figure out where to post our content and one of the best ways to know where to post our content is to observe our competitors, see where they are getting the most response.

Is very important that the content we publish is relevant, and is content that generates engagement and is very useful and of interest to our target market. In content publishing, blog posts are typically the number one priority for putting out content. Blog posts will be the default method and what we want to be doing is creating great quality blog posts because we can then promote them on Facebook, we can promote on Twitter, we can promote them in other places.

Facebook page posts rank number two and YouTube videos is number three and depending on our type of business, YouTube videos may be the best. We may be able to reach our market better than anything else with YouTube Videos. Pinterest is number four on our list and instagram number five, but the key is to experiment a little bit and test different approaches to find out where we can obtain the best engagement and results.

We can get a head start by looking at our competitors and see what they do and do what they do to see if we can get similar results, but as we start posting to these different platforms, we see where we get the best results and then we just keep doing more of that, but typically 70 percent of our content is gonna revolve around us making blog posts, because blog posts are really what is going to get us the best rankings in Google and typically the most organic traffic, but videos as well are very very powerful and are getting even more powerful and YouTube videos by themselves can get also ranked in Google and just a video alone can end up getting good search engine traffic but we need to figure out what works best for us and what is gonna get us the most traffic, the most response, the most shares, and ultimately the most return of each piece of content that we create.

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